Tuesday, January 14, 2014


 For this photo, i had to set the shutter speed lower so i would catch the blur of the hands/ legs moving but have the face of the person nice and clear. There would be alot of times when i tried getting the face clear but the rest blurry, everything would just come out really blurry so i probably took like 20-40 pictures on just having this person walking. I just kept trying until i got what i needed for this assignment, and after awhile i got it.

The shutter speed for this one was about the same because the only difference was that the person was running/ jogging instead of walking. I had the same problem with taking this picture as the other one that i had to take of him walking. Basically i had to take plenty to finally get what i wanted or more than that.
I had two people in my picture so i could have one nice and crisp and the other person really blurry, my goal was accomplished. Sometimes i would take the picture and it would be both of them really blurry and so i had to retake it many times actually. After taking a bunch of pictures, this was the best one i had so i had no choice but to use this one.
As cars would pass by we took many pictures. Since the cars move faster than we do, my shutter speed had to get higher but not too high or else there wouldn't be any blur in the picture. Something i struggled with was getting the shot right in front of me or right in the middle, so i had lots of pictures in a not so good looking angle. Then I figured that I had to move at the speed of the car, and it worked!

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