Wednesday, January 29, 2014



i saw Alejandra behind the gate and i got the idea to use this as a framing picture. I decided to just get her face because i wanted that to be the main focus of the picture. It was a pretty quick procedure since it wasn't too complicated, and the fact that she's not afraid of people being able to take pictures of her, seems like she actually likes it haha.



Eber and i were standing next to each other and i saw our feet together, i thought it would be cool to just frame that with my fingers and have him take the picture. He had to take the picture because i was already using my hands as the frame for the picture.

These small windows are connected to the 200 building so that made me think it was architectural. At i first i had someone holding the object but it didnt look so good because of the hand. Mr. Pederson came outside with some tape and we just taped it to the window, it looked much better then. Thanks for the good idea, i really appreciate it!

1) My strongest photo would be the man made one of alejandra. It's one of my favorites because theres nothing in the background that distracts it from being the main subject. It also looks really nice since it's just half of her face.
2) For some reason it was really hard for to find natural framings, because the only things i could think of were using the fingers, hands, legs. I couldnt really find framings in trees or plants, stuff like that. I just had people give ideas since i saw that they were going through this project really fast and confident.

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