Tuesday, June 10, 2014


 This picture was taken in the beginning of the year, and i really liked it because it was one of the first pictures i took that i was actually proud of. The subject of this was leading lines, its a line leading into more lines.
 I really liked this picture because it had a really shallow depth of field, the red berries were so in focus and the background was really blurry. This was when i was just starting to understand stuff about the aperature and how to get a shallow depth of field.
 I also like this picture because again, i got a shallow depth of field. This was also apart of the pictures for the leading lines project because the bench leads up to that tree in the background. I was getting the hang of knowing how to get a shallow depth of field.
 This picture was apart of the framing project, This was when i had no ideas left and i was standing next to eber. We just decided to use our fingers to frame our shoes, and it actually didnt turn out that bad because of how clear the picture came out.
 I believe this one is a picture from the patterns project, because i saw a pattern of the leaves and their colors. I really liked this one because i saw a variety of colors and it just looked really nice.
 I loved this one of Alejandra because she wasnt ready for the picture to be taken and i just really liked her true emotion/expression. It kind of shows that silly side of her. This was apart of the emotions project.
 This was also a picture of the emotions project. I liked this picture because i actually got her true smile and it was a little hard to get that. I learned that you have to talk to them and maybe make them laugh in order to get their true emotions.
 This was a picture of the emotions project. Eber was being silly and i decided to take a picture before he changed his facially expression to something else.
 This was apart of one of the last projects we did, the campaign. Our object was bobby pins and it was a little difficult, but it got done! I really liked it because it had a good shallow depth of field and the focus of the bobby pin and her hands was really crisp.
This was a part of a project where we had a wild card, and i decided to do emotions for paulina. She was really easy to work with and we finished quick. i learned that you just have to take a bunch of pictures because somewhere in those pictures, im pretty sure theresw a good one.

This whole class was my favorite out of all of them, we had lots of projects, we learned lots of new things, and learned how to take really good pictures with the help of mr.pederson. I frankly loved everything about this class. I think the most important things i learned were how to get a good shallow depth of field, a clean and crisp image, to stop motion correctly without it being blurry, and plenty. Some advice i'd have for the incoming people who are taking this class is, have fun and work hard! Learn as much as possible because theres many things to learn and the year really does fly by. I would like you to know that you are such a great teacher! everyone loves you and youre so cool. I really did learn alot in this class and its all thanks to you, all the projects really helped alot also. Thanks for being an awesome teacher, ill see you around next year and i hope you dont forget about me and alejandra!

Thursday, June 5, 2014



Wednesday, May 7, 2014


 I chose this image because i really liked the fact that she said " take a picture of me, food represents me." It was really easy to take pictures of jazzmin because she is so comfortable with getting pictures taken of her. I didnt really have any difficulties with this picture since the lighting was good and there were no distracting backgrounds. The success was that we got this category done quick and easy. I feel like its already a strong image, i cant think of anything else that would make this a better picture.

 I really liked this picture because the lighting was pretty nice and i also liked the angle i took it from. Paulina is a great model as well, we had no problems and everything got pretty much done quick with her. We had trouble finding a nice shady spot that day because it was like 90 degrees out and it was too hot to be out in the sun. We got all our pictures done and it went by quick. Again i feel like this picture is a great and strong picture already.
 I chose this picture because i like the way it was taken and from what angle i took it from. It was easy and fun taking pictures of paulina, she gets to the point quick. She had to move around a bit because sometimes when she was under a tree, her face was dark and in shadow/sun. We accomplished getting her face in good lighting and her body as well. I think it'd be a better if the whole picture was in the shadow instead of having some shadow and some sun parts in the picture.
I like this picture alot and decided to choose it because it was one of the first pictures i took and i really liked how she looked. She looks like a model to me, with that serious expresion on her face. There were some problems with the lighting on her face and stuff, but we got it fixed. We didnt have much problems other than that, so everything got done. I feel like it'd be a better picture if i actually had the background really blurry, so in that case the main and only thing in focus would be her.
This picture was for the wildcard, i chose to do rule of thirds. I didnt think many people would do that one so thats why i chose this method. I also really like how in the background theres some plants/ bushes, it makes it a better image rather than just having a plain white background. No difficulties exept for the fact that jazzmin kept saying she was ugly and didnt want to get pictures taken of that day, but we managed to get through that. We were successful in getting through that day because it was really hot that day. In my opinion, this picture is already pretty strong. The main subject which is in focus, is jazzmin.

Thursday, April 10, 2014


I would save this golf cart so i can drive something around in, just in case if someone is chasing me then i can just drive away from that creepy weird person/ zombie. Other zombies wouldnt be able to catch up to me because this golf cart is too fast for them.
I always need to have a chapstick or some sort of lip moisturizer because i hate having chapped lips, its so unpleasant. It also makes you have soft lips, so i wouldnt be suffering. Having chapstick just makes me a happier person in general.
Bananas are my favorite fruit and they are really good for you! They're healthy and will most likely keep me alive for a good amount of days. Atleast ill be healthy for the last days of my life.
I would take this medicine in case i get sick of eating too much bananas and then i won't get food poisoning if i drink this. Also this could work if i ate something unfamiliar with just because i was hungry but it was actually really bad for me, i'd just drink this and i'd be cured in less than no time!

I took the picture from the gross face tutorial and i placed it on my cheek to make it look like i was bit by something. I also searched up meat pictures and placed it on my face and on my neck, i then set it to overlay or soft light so it wouldnt look as fake. I also used the dodge tool to darken up my eyes and other areas as well. That tool works really well and makes you look more like an actual zombie, plus it doesnt look fake.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Inner Child.

This was one of my favorites of Julie because at the moment me and Eber were saying things and she actually laughed, and it was kind of hard to get her to even smile. So i was happy that i caught this picture..

I also really liked this one because Julie isnt much of a loud and crazy person so when i told her to make an idiotic face it took forever for her to make one. When she finally did i was fast enough to take the picture because she would go back to her normal face and wouldnt hold the pose.

 I really like this one of Alejandra because it was like an off guard photo. She didnt know i was taking this, she just happened to be in a perfect position for me to take a picture of.
I feel like this picture reveals Alejandras personality/identity. She is a very goofy and fun person to be around all the time. She is definitely a weird person as well, in a good way though..

My models were Alejandra and Julie. They are both very different in showing emotions, Alejandra is more of a good model and expresses her feelings great and Julie is more of a really shy person that is nervous to pose for the camera. I had no challenges with Alejandra because taking pictures of her was pretty easy and mellow. While on the other hand, it was a little hard to get Julie to do faces and show more of her personality. Well i had great success because i was able to get all ten pictures of both Julie and Alejandra, they were pretty awesome as well. 

Well i kind of like being in front of the camera and getting taken pictures of, its pretty fun. Being a model can help you to be a photographer because then if the person your taking a picture of asks you for an example of how that type of emotion looks like, you can show them yourself. I think in order to be a good portrait photographer, you should be a little far away so you can zoom in, and then have a really shallow depth of field which makes the picture look even better. Since i like people taking pictures of me and stuff, i think I'd very much enjoy the next projects with portrait pictures or even full body pictures. Im not really concerned about anything! I love this class and Photography is really fun, i feel like a learn something new everyday, whether its how the camera works or really cool things in photoshop.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014



i saw Alejandra behind the gate and i got the idea to use this as a framing picture. I decided to just get her face because i wanted that to be the main focus of the picture. It was a pretty quick procedure since it wasn't too complicated, and the fact that she's not afraid of people being able to take pictures of her, seems like she actually likes it haha.



Eber and i were standing next to each other and i saw our feet together, i thought it would be cool to just frame that with my fingers and have him take the picture. He had to take the picture because i was already using my hands as the frame for the picture.

These small windows are connected to the 200 building so that made me think it was architectural. At i first i had someone holding the object but it didnt look so good because of the hand. Mr. Pederson came outside with some tape and we just taped it to the window, it looked much better then. Thanks for the good idea, i really appreciate it!

1) My strongest photo would be the man made one of alejandra. It's one of my favorites because theres nothing in the background that distracts it from being the main subject. It also looks really nice since it's just half of her face.
2) For some reason it was really hard for to find natural framings, because the only things i could think of were using the fingers, hands, legs. I couldnt really find framings in trees or plants, stuff like that. I just had people give ideas since i saw that they were going through this project really fast and confident.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


 For this photo, i had to set the shutter speed lower so i would catch the blur of the hands/ legs moving but have the face of the person nice and clear. There would be alot of times when i tried getting the face clear but the rest blurry, everything would just come out really blurry so i probably took like 20-40 pictures on just having this person walking. I just kept trying until i got what i needed for this assignment, and after awhile i got it.

The shutter speed for this one was about the same because the only difference was that the person was running/ jogging instead of walking. I had the same problem with taking this picture as the other one that i had to take of him walking. Basically i had to take plenty to finally get what i wanted or more than that.
I had two people in my picture so i could have one nice and crisp and the other person really blurry, my goal was accomplished. Sometimes i would take the picture and it would be both of them really blurry and so i had to retake it many times actually. After taking a bunch of pictures, this was the best one i had so i had no choice but to use this one.
As cars would pass by we took many pictures. Since the cars move faster than we do, my shutter speed had to get higher but not too high or else there wouldn't be any blur in the picture. Something i struggled with was getting the shot right in front of me or right in the middle, so i had lots of pictures in a not so good looking angle. Then I figured that I had to move at the speed of the car, and it worked!