Wednesday, May 7, 2014


 I chose this image because i really liked the fact that she said " take a picture of me, food represents me." It was really easy to take pictures of jazzmin because she is so comfortable with getting pictures taken of her. I didnt really have any difficulties with this picture since the lighting was good and there were no distracting backgrounds. The success was that we got this category done quick and easy. I feel like its already a strong image, i cant think of anything else that would make this a better picture.

 I really liked this picture because the lighting was pretty nice and i also liked the angle i took it from. Paulina is a great model as well, we had no problems and everything got pretty much done quick with her. We had trouble finding a nice shady spot that day because it was like 90 degrees out and it was too hot to be out in the sun. We got all our pictures done and it went by quick. Again i feel like this picture is a great and strong picture already.
 I chose this picture because i like the way it was taken and from what angle i took it from. It was easy and fun taking pictures of paulina, she gets to the point quick. She had to move around a bit because sometimes when she was under a tree, her face was dark and in shadow/sun. We accomplished getting her face in good lighting and her body as well. I think it'd be a better if the whole picture was in the shadow instead of having some shadow and some sun parts in the picture.
I like this picture alot and decided to choose it because it was one of the first pictures i took and i really liked how she looked. She looks like a model to me, with that serious expresion on her face. There were some problems with the lighting on her face and stuff, but we got it fixed. We didnt have much problems other than that, so everything got done. I feel like it'd be a better picture if i actually had the background really blurry, so in that case the main and only thing in focus would be her.
This picture was for the wildcard, i chose to do rule of thirds. I didnt think many people would do that one so thats why i chose this method. I also really like how in the background theres some plants/ bushes, it makes it a better image rather than just having a plain white background. No difficulties exept for the fact that jazzmin kept saying she was ugly and didnt want to get pictures taken of that day, but we managed to get through that. We were successful in getting through that day because it was really hot that day. In my opinion, this picture is already pretty strong. The main subject which is in focus, is jazzmin.

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