Monday, October 21, 2013

Blog Post #4

Birds eye.


2) My most challenging element for this project was trying to take good pictures from birds eye because as you can see, the top of the can isnt so intresting. So it was hard for me to get the front of the can and the top of the can in a nice picture.
Worms eye.

1) I think this is one of my best/strongest shots. I really liked taking pictures from worms eye, because it just looks cooler to me. In this picture you can see that the grass is like really blurry so that it brings your attention to the chicken noodle soup.
Straight on.



 3) This is probably one of the pictures i needed to improve in. First off, the can is a bit cut off in this picture. I also thought that the color of the background is a little weird. I didnt get to fix this picture up in photoshop because i didnt think i would have enough time. But otherwise if i would have tried to make it a better picture, it definitely would have looked better than what it is right now.


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