Friday, December 20, 2013


For this picture i didn't really have an inspiration, like my partner just wanted to jump off of that. In my opinion, this is a nice picture. This one was pretty easy to capture the stop in the jump. Even if i did have any problems i could just set the shutter speed higher than what it was. I couldnt think of a better idea, so its simple but still a good picture.

My inspiration for this one was for her to look like she's about to fly up into the sky. I faced no technical difficulties because she was standing on a chair and i used photoshop to make it seem like she was floating. I think it was pretty creative because it looks like shes about to fly up.

My inspiration for this picture was was for it to seem like ryan was powerful enough to lift her up from the ground, it looks pretty cool. Some of the pictures came out blurry so i had to retake it like 5 times, but it finally came out good. This idea came into my head as soon as we started the project so then we decided to do it, but people were also busy taking pictures. Many people didnt want to be in the picture because they had to finish their own work.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Creative Controls

 Part 1: 
  1. Which Aperture makes a wider hole in the lens for light to come through? F/3.5 
  2. Which Aperture lets more light into the camera to hit the image sensor? F/5.6
  3. Which Aperture keeps more of the foreground and background in focus? F/11.
  4. Which Shutter Speed is faster?  1/200 second.
  5. Which Shutter Speed keeps the door in the camera open for more time? 1/30 second
  6. Which Shutter Speed is best for stopping action? 1/200 second.   
Part 2:
To me, all these three pictures look pretty much the same. I dont see any differences between them. 

Since the shutter speed of 1/10 second lets more light in, the first one was very bright. the 1/60 second was better looking and then the last one at 1/500 is the best looking out of all.

when she was moving the 1/10 second was too slow to catch the motion clearly. Using the 1/60 second was much better but still didnt get the motion to stop in the picture completely. Finally the 1/500 second surely caught the motion, it even looks like she wasnt moving at all.

The first one was taken at 1/10 second, it didnt catch the motion clearly or ad good lighting because it let too much light into the picture. The second one was taken at 1/60 second, it was better looking but the lighting was still to bright there. Third picture was taken at 1/500 and it caught the motion to stop, so its nice and clear, also the lighting is now good because its not too bright nor too dark.

 Part 3:

 1) To me depth of field means what part of the picture is not blurry and focused.
2) you'd use a wide aperature when you want to make the background of the picture blurry, but you would have to back away from the object and zoom in for that to happen.
3) when my partner and i took panning pictures, the 1/10 second let too much light in and didnt stop the motion. But when the shutter speed was 1/500 second the picture's lighting was nice and clear and the motion was stopped.

Friday, November 15, 2013


 I like this picture because there is a continuous pattern of blue rectangles/sqaures, and theres only three of them. Its a simple but just like Mr.Pederson says it's clear and crisp. This is one i didnt have to crop or do something to it on photoshop and actually came out to be nice.
 I like this picture because you can see the pattern of the bench's legs, its a pattern that doesnt stop unless there are no more benches. It looks nice because it was sunny that day, it wasnt gloomy. Ive noticed that i take much more better pictures when the sun is out and the weather is warm.
 I think this is my favorite out of these four pictures i chose. To me it looks really cool, like almost as if the leaf is symmetrical. Theres not much of a distraction in the back, so the main focus of this picture is absolutely clear.
I liked how there are some random yellow spots on that part of the tree, it makes that pattern that i was looking for while taking pictures around school campus. This one i did have to crop because there was some people in the back, so i used the filling the frame technique we learned a few weeks ago in this class.

Some skills that i have been doing well and really like doing is filling the frame. It makes it a much better picture, because the main focus is that object you take a picture of. And also to me it just looks nicer because then theres no distractions in the back whatsoever. For our next project my goal is to start using other ways to take pictures instead of just filling the frame, because the same thing can get a bit boring. I might start using the rule of thirds more. Mr.Pederson has already done a good job with advising me more on how to take better pictures or go on photoshop to make them better.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Photoshop Tutorials.

 I found this one to be somewhat easy because the eyes of the cheetah actually kind of matched with mine and that made it easier. the problem was that my eyes were too small so we had to stretch each eye out. I liked how this picture turned out to be funny!
Well since this picture, the koalas eyes were too wide from my eyes so i decided not to include them at all. It kind of looks real to me, like if there was no photo shop included that's why i like it. These pictures where one of my favorites because they were nice and simple.
i used the eraser, i realized that i shouldve used the brush but i had no idea how to do it and thats why it looks bad. now i noticed that the nose of this leopard isnt matching with mine and that looks weird. If i had time i would redo it but this is due today! These type of pictures were the most challenging for me honestly.
Again, for this one i used the eraser. But i really should have done it with the brush like Mr.Pederson demonstrated. The nose isnt matching with my nose and it looks totally fake. Well, at least now i know how to really do it, so i wont mess up the next time we do these types of pictures.
To create this image, there was alot of steps i had to follow. But it wasnt too difficult like the half animal was.  There many layers we had to add on, and then we had to use the gaussian blur. I didnt have any problems working on this picture whats so ever. I would consider using this type of effect more on my photos.
For this one i decided to add color, but it didn't really make much of a difference. Since this type of picture was pretty easy for me, i didnt have any problems at all. I like how this picture makes it look like a painting sort of.
Since the quality of this photo was originally not so good, it still didnt look good. So i had to mess with it more, and but a higher number on the gaussian blur part. No problems at all for this picture as well. It makes it look cooler and jazz looks like a model in this picture!
To be able to apply this filter to the picture, i had to pick a color on the gradient map and it gave me a lot of options, but i just followed the instructions on the site that was given. It was confusing having to make adjustments in the inner shadow. And then i had to make some more adjustments on the gradient overlay. but other than that, it wasnt hard at all. his vintage effect makes this girl in the picture really pretty.
To create this image i had to apply a filter, and i had options so i chose the blue and yellow one. Although it kind of looks like i shouldve lowered the opacity a bit. I found the steps for vintage effect on pictures to be pretty easy and simple to cope with. So i didnt run into any problems with this picture. I never thought that we could edit our pictures this way on photo shop, i thought that was pretty cool.
So for this picture since i used a blue/yellow effect on the previous one, i decided to try a different color with this picture of gabby i had. Well from the start this picture was like bad quality, so i tried rising the opacity to see if it would make it better, and it sort of did but its still not the best picture. It didnt turn out so bad, but i probably could have done it better. This color makes the attention/focus go on gabby because its the color that most stands out in this picture.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Personal Composition.

 When i first looked at this fire hydrant, it was pretty plain but then i noticed this crown on top of it and thought that was pretty cool when i did a close up. It was just there and i was looking around, so i decided to take a picture. I think this is a good example because you cant see anything in the background and the main focus is the top of this fire hydrant. I think i should have got a little more of the side of this object because if people look at this picture for the first time, they wont be able to figure out what it is.
 I thought it would be great to take a picture of these leaves for fill the frame because it looks pretty cool. I saw the tree that had big nice red leaves and thought it would make a great picture since i like taking pictures of plants/flowers. I've seen many fill the frame pictures of plants and i wanted to try it out and see how it would come out. Something i could have done to make this a better image was to fix the colors on photo shop but other than that, to me its a pretty nice picture.
 Something i found interesting about this picture is that green line that leads up to the object, its looks awesome. It was my intention to put it there because i actually wanted that green line to lead up to the rocket. What i just said is pretty much the only thing that was strong about this picture, the green line really focuses the audience's attention. It wouldve been better if that black trash can wasnt there on the left of the picture.
 My main point on this picture was to have that line lead up to the white bench you see there. It was my intention to have that line lead up to the bench because then it wouldnt be a leading line picture. What i really liked about this picture is how the beginning of the line looks blurry (but not bad) and as it goes along, it gets really nice and clear. I couldve improved on the fact that i cut off a bit of the bench on the left side and left more room on the right of the bench.
 Well, for this picture i went over to where the umbrellas are located and saw this, i dont know exactly what the name is. I didnt take it in the middle because then it wouldnt have been a rule of thirds and so thats why i decided to take it like this. This picture may not be to interesting but its clear and simple. Maybe i couldve took a better picture of something else for this title because people might think its boring.
This one is really simple as well, but it focuses on the object because theres nothing else you can see in this picture. I wanted to put this on concrete because it would look plain, and so the subject of this picture would be clear. It shows the rule of thirds nicely, and like i said before focuses on the object pretty easy and well. Just like my last rule of thirds i could have tooken a better picture and somethings that a bit more interesting.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Blog Post #5

 Well the photographer decided to use the rule of thirds to take this picture. For me it looks really cool, and i bet it looks much better like this than just taking the picture at center. At the same time i chose this picture because its really cute and that just gives the picture more meaning, i mean they're getting married.

                                                                       Fill the frame.

 The person who took this wanted to take it like this because he/she probably wanted to show more detail of the kiwi and how it really looks like on the inside rather than on the outside. He/she did a very good job at it because i could actually tell that it's a kiwi and not something else,the subject was nice and clear in this photograph. I like very much of the detail, the way you can see the seeds of this fruit and everything.

 Using Lines Effectively.

 I really like this picture because as you can see it sort of looks like the yellow line is leading your attention to the end of the road. The yellow line is really noticeable ( which is the main subject in this picture). It's also really nice and clear. The photographer, in my opinion, took a really nice photograph of wherever this road was.