Friday, September 13, 2013

Photo Analysis

The main subject in the picture,as you can see, is the ladybug. The only thing i see in this picture is the ladybug and that its just sitting on that plant,or maybe its a leaf of a tree. I think the person who took this picture was right in front of it or possibly a little far and zoomed in to get a better image. Maybe the ladybug was sleeping, it might have stopped there to rest because it was tired, or it was probably lonely and wanted to wait for some other ladybug. my question fr this photograph would be, why was the ladybug alone? Aren't they suppose to be with family? The photographer took this because it just happened to be there, so he/she grabbed their camera and took this wonderful shot. 

This is a plain photograph of mint chocolate chip ice cream,the background is all white so that the only thing we focus on is the ice cream. I see a soft, delicious, creamy, type of ice cream that will just blow my mind away when i take a bite of it. The photographer was straight on when taking this picture, its a very clear photograph. The photographer took this because he/she was most likely going to eat this, but looked at it and said to himself/herself "wow, that would probably be a pretty nice picture." There's nothing i could really say about what's happening in this picture because the background is just white and and the only thing in this picture is a scoop of mint chocolate chip ice cream. Why did the photographer decide to take a picture of just one and not of multiple plates of this ice cream?

The main subject in this picture has to do with ballet and pointe work. I see one foot thats really ugly and has bandaids on it and on the other foot i just see how beautiful the outside of the shoe looks like. The photographer was standing right in front of this when he/she took it. The dancer in the picture probably just had class, she mightve took one pointe shoe off and someone said "let me take a picture of your feet!", or there might have been a photoshoot at their ballet school. Why didnt the person who took this, take a picture of the girl's whole body? Maybe the photographer was sending a message like "what you see outside might not look or be the same on the inside of the shoe."

The main subject in this picture is that blue, beautiful, butterfly you see there. I see a butterfly out in the wild waiting for something interesting to happen. It looks like the person who took this took it from the side of the butterfly, maybe because if it got too close it would fly away. I'm guessing this picture was taken in the forest. Since the background is really blurry, we cant find out where it was taken. I like the fact that's its only focused on the butterfly and nothing else. The butterfly was probably on a tree or a bush. If the photographer blurred the background, why didn't he/she make the branch its standing on blurry also? The person who took this probably thought that looking for a nice butterfly and making the background blurry would make a nice professional picture.

 The subject in this picture is the season of fall. You can see that the leaves are orange/red and are already falling off the tree. I'm thinking the photographer took this picture straight on. Maybe the deer are on a hunt for a new type of shelter. Or they might have been moving because they see that hibernation time is really close, I think this picture was taken in the afternoon close to sunset but not quite. What was the meaning of having those 4 deer in this picture? I think the photographer decided to take this picture because it really shows the idea of it being Fall. 

 The main subject in this picture is gum, i also chose this picture because i love gum. In this picture I see the best candy that has been ever made. It looks like the photographer took this a little bit from the top because it doesn't look like he/she took it straight on. This picture was most likely taken at someones home, that was  just setting a bunch of pieces of gum on a table. I think the photographer really likes these two types of gum because he put a lot of those in the photograph. He/she took off the wrapper on some of the gums because they probably wanted people to see whats inside of the wrapper. Why didn't the photographer put more variety of gums and why did they decide to just put two types? Like i said before, the photographer may really like gum and that's why he/she decided to take this picture. 

 The main subject I see in this picture are the tiger's eyes, it feels like its looking right into my soul. I see an alarmed and maybe even an angry tiger. The photographer took this picture right in front of the tiger and only captured half of it's head to focus on the beautiful eyes it has. Well i observed that there's nothing in the background for us to see and only focuses on the head. I'm thinking the tiger was probably in a cage because if it was in the wild then it probably would've attacked him. Maybe the photographer zoomed in when taking it from a longer distance. Would it look better if we zoomed in to see just the eyes of the tiger and not anything else? The photographer probably thought the tiger had amazing eyes and wanted to take a picture.

 The main subject in this picture is this chimpanzee, to me it kind of looks sad being locked up in a cage all the time. The person took this straight on, i don't think it'd look good if it was taken from above or below. You can tell he's not happy because his eyes look sad,sleepy, and tired. This picture looks like it was taken at a zoo or somewhere that they keep animals. The chimpanzee in this picture was probably hungry. It might have been waiting for something/someone. Or its just sick and tired of the same daily routine in that cage he's in. What could've made this a better picture? because this picture looks pretty simple to me. I think they took this picture because they wanted to show of how animals in captivity are feeling.

In this picture i see a mom and that's probably her son. From my point of view it look likes they're going through a really difficult time. This picture was taken straight on with no angles or anything, just kept it nice and simple. It was probably taken at the women's home, and it was just her and her son. It looks like thy have experienced something tragic. I can see a tear on the mothers cheek, and that's why i think that they're going through a hard time. Why weren't the people in the picture looking at the camera? is there a reason why? The photographer might have thought that people could relate to this picture in some way.

The main subject I see in this picture is a delicious combo the person chose to eat. It looks like this was an order for two people, but it could have been a really hungry person who wanted to eat two hamburgers and a bunch of fries. It appears to be that the photographer took this picture from above. I think this picture was taken at In-N-Out because you can see that these people are eating on a tray. The photograph look like there was no edit or effect added to it. It was probably taken a by a phone camera, it doesn't look as good as other pictures of food. Why did the photographer think this would be a good picture? The person who took this was most likely happy to have food in front of them at the moment.

 The main subject is easy and clear, obviously it's the pink rose. I say this because everything in the back is blurred out but the pink rose is crystal clear. This photograph was taken from straight on and maybe because it's the best way to take a picture of a flower. It was probably taken in a backyard or at a park, all we can see in the background is a green and grassy area. Maybe it was in the morning because it looks like there's drops of dew on it. Or it possibly rained the night before. What does blurring the background do to the picture? The photographer might like taking pictures of plants, trees, and flowers a lot since he/she decided to take a picture of this pink rose.

The main object in this picture are these really cute, young, and adorable puppies. To me it looks like they're really playful and friendly. The picture was taken right in front of the pups, i don't think any zoom in this picture was necessary. It looks like this picture was taken in the owners backyard or the front yard. The person who took this picture was probably the one who was playing with the puppies. This picture was probably taken during spring or summer. How did the dogs manage to look clear and still? because most times dogs are moving a lot. The photographer maybe cares and loves a lot for these dogs and wanted to have a picture for memories.

The main subject in this pictures are the chips that are on that rack. I see a bunch of different chips that they have in this store. This picture was taken from like a side angle, it's different from most pictures I've seen. This picture was definitely taken at some random store. Maybe the person was going to buy something but had a camera with them and took some cool photos at their trip to the store. I think this picture is like 2/3 years old because it was taken when hot cheetos and other chips were 99 cents, now they're $1.49. What is so interesting about a picture that has chips in it? Was it simply a random photo? The photographer probably likes chips a lot and thats the reason why he/she took this aberrant photograph.

I main subject in this picture are these leaves on a type of plant. It looks like it was really cold in the morning and left dew on the plant. This picture was taken straight on. Maybe the person who took this was walking out somewhere in the person and observed this plant. It might be dew but it can also be rain. It looks like there are more plants in the background but I can't really tell because its blurred out. I think these leaves are from a bush and not a tree. What made the photographer decide to blur out the background? The photographer probably took this because he likes this type of plant.

The main subject in this picture are these two parrots. To me it sort of looks like they're communicating with each other. This picture was taken straight on, like most pictures are. Maybe the parrot on the left is saying hi to the other one. They both might be part of the same family. I'm thinking these are someones pets because in the background it doesn't look like it was taken in a forest or in the wild. Why is there something in the parrots mouth? I think the photographer too this because they were his pets and he really adores them.

The main subject in this picture is this giant elephant. I see a really big elephant who was probably feeling lonely and had nobody to be with. This picture was taken straight on. There might be dust on top because when the elephant takes a step the sand is pushed up. I think the elephant is still young, it doesn't look like its full size yet. It looks like a sad picture because it' in black and white. How was the photographer able to get the sand/dust in the air? The photographer took this because having the dust up above the elephant would make everyone stop for a moment and think.

The main subject in this picture is this weird four legged lady. At first I thought there was somebody under her but then i figured there wasn't, it was most likely photo shopped though. The picture was taken straight on. It looks like this picture was taken in an empty room, that had paper all over the floor. There's a window on the side, so it could have been her room. It looks white outside the window, maybe it was during winter. Why are there random papers on the floor? The photographer took this maybe because he wanted to mess with our minds a bit.

The main subject in this picture is the tiger in the water. To me it looks like it's about to attack someone, you can just see it in his face. This picture was taken straight on or right infront of the tiger. I think the tiger was getting out of the water. It definetly looks like this was taken in the wild because its in a lake or a river. The wild animal looks angry, as if its going to approach something. It was most likely taken in the spring or summer because it doesnt look to cold and it's in the water. Why is the tiger making a very unattractive face? The photographer wanted people to see what an angry tiger really looks like.
The main subject in this picture are all those apples you see there. I see a really healthy and delicious snack to have during the day, whether its before breakfast, after lunch, or a night snack. The picture looks like it was taken from above or from a straight angle. Maybe somebody picked a bunch of apples off a tree and took this picture right after. Or they probably bought a lot of apples. Why didnt the photographer take a picture with a bunch of different apples instead of just one kind? The photographer probably took this because he/she really likes apples.

The main subject in this picture is this happy loving couple. It really looks like theyre in love and that they're enjoying their time together at the beach. This picture is taken from above, unlike most of the pictures I've seen. It looks like they're both earing white, maybe they just got married and decided to go to the beach right after. It might have been a beach in hawaii because the water looks very clear and thats the only place I've heard that has really clear and clean water. To me it looks like a really young couple, maybe in their late 20's. Why did they want to have their picture taken at the beach and not at a park? I think the photographer takes wedding photos for his/her job and makes a lot of money off of it, so thats why they took this photograph.

Friday, September 6, 2013

the name's Jazmin, no 's', no 'e' at the end. just Jazmin.